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Paving the Way Toward Professionalizing Leadership and Management in Healthcare (eManager)
Paving the Way Toward Professional Leadership Mgmt Image

This issue of The eManager calls for the creation of a culture of management and leadership at all levels, provides examples of progress to this end in several countries for the short term, and proposes a longer-term approach to professionalize leadership, gestión, and governance in the health sector. Professionalizing includes recognizing the value of health managers, establishing clear career paths, and providing the preparation that these personnel tell us they need.

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Gestión de la mejora del desempeño de los servicios de salud descentralizados (El gerente)
Gestión de la mejora del rendimiento Servicio de salud descentralizado The Manager Image

Esta edición de The Manager ayudará a los gerentes de todos los niveles a comprender los principios de la evaluación y mejora del desempeño a nivel local.. También presenta el concepto de funciones esenciales de salud pública como un marco político útil para descentralizar la gestión de servicios., manteniendo y mejorando la cobertura y calidad de los servicios.

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Managing Medicines and Health Products
Managing Medicines Image

The publication outlines the essential elements of managing supplies at the district and subdistrict levels and in nongovernmental organizations (ONG), provides practical guidance in assessing and improving the supply system at that level, and offers a range of other technical and managerial resources and references that will enable you to improve your management skills and study the areas that interest you further. Each section also provides overviews, guidelines, and checklists that will help you and your team identify and resolve major problems. (This publication is Chapter 8 de los sistemas de salud en acción: An eHandbook for Leaders and Managers.)

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Managing Information: Monitoring and Evaluation
Managing Information Monitoring & Evaluation Image

This publication is a practical guide that you, the manager of a health program or of health services, can use to understand and organize essential practices that will improve the monitoring and evaluation (METRO&mi) of health services. It explains the role and function of an effective health information system (HIS). It describes monitoring and evaluation as key program management functions, explains the difference between the two, and offers considerations for making each function more useful to you for learning and action. It also shows how good leadership and management practices are relevant to M&mi. (This publication is Chapter 9 de los sistemas de salud en acción: An eHandbook for Leaders and Managers.)

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Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources Image

This publication shows that effective human resource management (HRM) is important in any public- or private-sector organization and essential when public health crises collide with workforce shortages. We present here the three pillars that together form the HRM capacity of an organization—policies, sistemas, and management and leadership practices—and describe how they can help you to attain your organization’s HRM goals.

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Managing Health Service Delivery
Managing Health Service Delivery Image

This publication explores the ways in which the health service delivery system interfaces with and builds on the management systems discussed in the earlier chapters of this handbook. You will see how improving the management and leadership of the health service delivery system improves access to and quality of services. You will observe the importance of strong systems in fostering a positive relationship between clients and providers at service delivery sites— “points of care”—at all levels of the health system, leading to desired health outcomes.

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Managing Finances and Related Systems
Managing Finances and Related Systems Image

In this publication, we examine aspects of financial management and related office operations systems. Financial management is concerned with accounting and budgeting, along with the related reporting and analysis that allow managers, donantes, and oversight bodies to know about revenue obtained or generated, assets owned, and expenses incurred, and to compare that information to previous years or desired results.

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