Save the Dates for KM Seminar


Réservez les dates: septembre 17-18, 2014 to join a no cost 2-day virtual seminar focused on the question: how do we know if Knowledge Management (KM) projects, les activités, et les outils de KM sont efficaces pour soutenir la santé et les efforts de développement?

Join the seminar in advance.

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    1. Hello Odion,
      Though the seminar has closed, you can still access the materials and read the conversation on the seminar page. Veuillez cliquer sur “Séminaires” and then selectEvaluating Knowledge Management.You need toJoin the Group.Once you have joined the group, you can watch a short introductory video, and click the links on the main page in order to read the overviews and find the resources.
      If you click on the forum in the group, you can read through the discussions.
      Meilleurs voeux,