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Leadership Development Program Plus (ou Programme de renforcement des competénces en Leadership, Gestion (ou Management) et Gouvernance (LDP+): Un guide pour les animateurs

Le programme de développement du leadership Plus (LDP+) est la version améliorée du programme de développement du leadership (LDP), délivré pour la première fois par Management Sciences for Health (MSH) en 2002. C'est un travail d'équipe, axée sur les résultats, processus participatif de développement du leadership qui permet aux équipes de relever des défis et d'obtenir des résultats grâce à un processus d'apprentissage basé sur l'action. Des personnes du même lieu de travail forment des équipes pour apprendre et appliquer le leadership, le management, et les pratiques de gouvernance pour améliorer un ensemble commun d'indicateurs de santé.
Le Guide de l'animateur du LDP+ est destiné aux animateurs à utiliser et à apprendre lors de la mise en œuvre du LDP+. Il présente les fondements du programme et explique comment mener toutes les activités nécessaires. Il est conçu pour être facile à utiliser et adaptable aux besoins spécifiques d'une organisation ou d'une équipe d'amélioration LDP+. Le guide comprend des informations générales sur le LDP+; Instructions détaillées sur la manière de mener toutes les réunions et ateliers LDP+; et documents pour les participants.

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Leadership, Management & Gouvernance (LMG) pour le cours de certificat des gestionnaires de sages-femmes
Image du cours de certificat des gestionnaires de sages-femmes

Renforcer les capacités des sages-femmes à surmonter les défis du système de santé et à fournir des services améliorés, le Leadership financé par l'USAID, Management & Governance project developed the LMG for Midwifery Managers certificate course. This course consists of a five-day offsite workshop focused on six areas prioritized by a skills gap assessment: assertive communication, plaidoyer, mentoring, data use for decision-making, change management, and strategic problem solving.

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Using Performance-Based Payments to Improve Health Programs (Le directeur)
Using Performance Based Payments Improve Health Programs The Manager Image

This issue of The Manager presents a system for funding programs that is tied to program performance to help providers improve their services and the impact of those services in the client population. This issue explains how different payment mechanisms encourage different types of organizational behavior, and why performance-based payment schemes are more likely to help achieve the desired goals than traditional payment schemes.

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Training of Facilitators (TOF) for the Leadership Development Program
Training of Facilitators LDP TOF Image

The Training of Facilitators (TOF) Guide was created to address the need to develop strong facilitators of the Leadership Development Program (LDP). The TOF Guide provides a step-by-step guide to delivering a workshop that will help build a critical mass of LDP facilitators with the necessary skills to lead the six-month-long LDP program with minimum oversight. This guide is focused on training facilitators, while the tool “Leadership Development Program Plus (ou Programme de renforcement des competénces en Leadership, Gestion (ou Management) et Gouvernance: A Facilitator’s Guideis focused on helping facilitators to deliver the LDP+ to participants.

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The PBF Handbook: Designing and Implementing Effective Performance-Based Financing Programs
PBF Handbook Image

Performance-based Financing (PBF) is a powerful means of increasing the quality and quantity of health services by providing incentives to suppliers to improve performance and achieve results. PBF can increase the use and quality of health services, stabilize or decrease the costs of these services, help use limited resources effectively, and improve staff motivation and morale, a proven incentive for staff retention.

This PBF handbook has been designed for use by both program design officers at US Government (USG) agencies at the central and country levels as well as for PBF implementers at national and local levels. It is our hope that presenting this comprehensive overview of PBF from both the funders’ and the implementers’ perspectives will help to facilitate the design, mise en œuvre, and evaluation of PBF programs that enhance service delivery and create positive health outcomes.

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Tackling the Crisis in Human Capacity Development for Health Services (Le directeur)
Tackling Crisis Human Capacity Dev Health Services Image

This issue of The Manager provides a comprehensive framework for addressing human capacity development. It presents steps for developing a strategy that will help managers sustain a supply of adequately trained health staff. It examines four components of planning and managing the workforce: polocy and financial requirements, human resource management, partnerships, et direction. The issue also suggests actions managers and policymakers can take to address issues in these areas so that appropriately trained staff are available in the right place at the right time.

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Stewarding Resources for Health Systems Strengthening
Stewarding Resources Health Systems Strengthening Image

Stewardship is the ethical use of common resources in pursuit of financially efficient outcomes. This guide explores the nature of the practice of stewarding scarce resources (human, financier, politiques, and technological), and principles and activities that will strengthen your organization’s capacity for such stewardship.

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Setting a Shared Strategic Direction for Health Systems Strengthening
Setting Shared Strategic Direction Health Systems Strengthening Image

The leaders who govern determine the organization’s strategic direction and policies. They set out the organization’s strategic direction to deliver its mission, des buts, and objectives. In this guide, you will learn how to set shared strategic direction for your organization working with your stakeholders and more importantly how to realize it again working with the stakeholders.

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Planifier le travail et travailler le plan
Planning the Work and Working the Plan Image

This publication attempts to simplify planning by introducing and defining a range of essential long- and short-term planning processes that managers of health programs or health services should implement. We focus on the primary organizational planning process: the development of a strategic plan and its conversion into an operational plan. The chapter sets the stage with a discussion of strategic thinking and then covers each phase of the strategic planning process: analyzing the organization’s internal and external environments, articulating or refining a mission, creating a vision, establishing strategic objectives, formulating strategies, and monitoring and evaluating results.

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Planning for Leadership Transition (Le directeur)
Planning for Leadership Transition The Manager Image

This issue of The Manager considers strategy and process for managing a leadership transition. It describes how current leaders, staff members, and boards of directors can engage their organization in navigating the uncertainties of a search for a new leader. It explores ways to prepare for future transitions by developing leadership talents within the organization.

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