Affichage des résultats pour: Anglais

Network Strengthening Program (NSP)

The objective of the NSP is to improve network effectiveness to meet their member’s needs and enhance their long-term sustainability. The content of the program

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QuanTB est un système électronique de quantification et d'alerte précoce conçu pour améliorer les processus d'approvisionnement, commande, et planification de l'approvisionnement pour le traitement de la tuberculose. Créé par les systèmes financés par l'USAID pour un meilleur accès aux produits pharmaceutiques et aux services (Horaire) Programme, QuanTB est un outil de bureau téléchargeable qui transforme des calculs compliqués en graphiques conviviaux affichant des informations clés pour la gestion des médicaments. Lorsqu'il est utilisé régulièrement (par exemple., mensuel, trimestriel), QuanTB sert de système d'alerte précoce, fournir des informations sur la consommation réelle par rapport à la consommation prévue, expirations potentielles, et ruptures de stocks de médicaments.

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Misoprostol for Postpartum Hemorrhage: Questions and Answers for Policy Makers

This fact sheet provides information about misoprostol’s critical role in preventing and treating postpartum bleeding or hemorrhage (PPH), one of the leading causes of maternal

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Preventing Early Pregnancy and Poor Reproductive Outcomes: A Toolkit

In collaboration with the World Health Organization (OMS) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Family Care International developed this advocacy toolkit, available in English, Français,…

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Le plaidoyer, Approval, Accès: Misoprostol for Postpartum Hemorrhage A Guide for Effective Advocacy

Available in English and French, this publication provides guidance to national advocates and civil society organizations in conducting effective advocacy for the successful uptake of

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Advocating for Maternal Health: A Checklist for Private Sector Health Providers

Maternal health remains an urgent public health challenge for the global community. The private health sector — which includes independent physicians, des infirmiers, and midwives; traditional

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Making the Case for Midwifery: A Toolkit for Using Evidence from the State of the World’s Midwifery 2014 Report to Create Policy Change at the Country Level

This toolkit, available in English, French and Spanish, is designed to enhance the knowledge, les compétences, and capacity of midwives, and of their national midwifery associations,…

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Harmonizing Health Services: Saving Lives Through Integration of Reproductive, Santé maternelle, Nouveau-né & Child Health and HIV/AIDS, la tuberculose & Malaria Programs
Harmonizing Health Services

These briefing cards, published in 2012 by FCI and Population Action International as part of The Integration Partnership, provide information on integrating AIDS, TB, and malaria services across the reproductive, la santé de la mère, nouveau née, and child health continuum of care. Available in both English and French, they highlight how integration can strengthen health and community systems, save money, and empower women to access the services they need and deserve. The cards also highlight opportunities for RMNCH/ATM integration and provide examples of successful integrated programs from countries across Africa.

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