Affichage des résultats pour: Le monitorage et le suivi & Évaluation

Essential Medicines List (EML) Chercher

National Essential Medicines lists (EMLs) indicate medicines that meet the priority health needs of the population and often guide a government’s purchasing and distribution decisions

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Regional Networks and Associations

Despite the growing international trend towards increased regional multilateralism, integration, and cooperation in health and other sectors, there is limited literature examining the relationships, power

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Le programme de croissance organisationnelle, Résilience, et durabilité (PROGRÈS)

PROGRES est un outil principal d'évaluation des capacités organisationnelles développé par Management Sciences for Health. (MSH) personnel en février 2014. L'outil fournit un aperçu général…

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Cultiver la responsabilité pour le renforcement des systèmes de santé

Quand la responsabilité est renforcée, les possibilités de corruption diminuent, et les résultats bénéfiques du système de santé, comme la réactivité, équité, et une augmentation de l'efficacité. Cette culture…

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Pre-service Leadership, Management and Governance Syllabus

The Pre-service Leadership, Management and Governance Syllabus is designed to assist pre-service training institutions to effectively and efficiently integrate leadership, le management, et la gouvernance (L M G en anglais) practices

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In-service Leadership, Management and Governance Syllabus

The In-service Leadership, Management and Governance Syllabus is designed to provide an action-oriented instructional pathway for health leaders, des managers, and their teams to improve their

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Kit de mise en œuvre de la mobilisation des ressources (I-Kit)
Kit de mise en œuvre de la mobilisation des ressources (I-kit) icône

Le terme mobilisation de ressources fait référence à toutes les activités entreprises par une organisation pour obtenir des fonds nouveaux et supplémentaires., ressources humaines et matérielles pour faire progresser son…

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Les dirigeants qui gouvernent
Leaders Who Govern Image

This book is designed to help you explore, adapt, develop, master, soutien, and apply the practices of good governance in the context of health. The principles and practices you will find in this book apply to most types of organizations and also to sectors beyond health though focus in this book is to support better health care and greater health impact.

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Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT)
Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT) Image

This tool can be utilized for the development of baseline and periodic capacity assessments of an organization, helping users to measure how an organization’s capacity changes over time. This process can help users to address the following operations research question: How does one measure the impact of organizational capacity building activities in regards to improved organizational performance and health service delivery outcomes?

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