Affichage des résultats pour: Sexo-spécificité

Minimum Standards for Mainstreaming Gender Equality

Addressing gender equality is key for successfully achieving sustainable development outcomes and creating a more equal world. Gender equality mainstreaming is the process or means by which unequal conditions are addressed to achieve the goal of gender equality. This means ensuring a gender lens is applied to all organizational and programmatic activities, including a focus on promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls.

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Rêver avec des filles: Comment les aspirations façonnent l’utilisation des contraceptifs

Les jeunes sont des moteurs essentiels d’un changement durable. Les organisations de santé et de développement s'associent de plus en plus avec des adolescents pour programmer autour de ce qui compte pour eux aujourd'hui.…

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Santé pour tous: Recueil de fiches techniques de la Santé pour tous en Angola

Le projet Health For All financé par l'USAID (Santé pour tous, ou HFA) soutenu les efforts du gouvernement angolais pour accroître la qualité de la prestation de services de santé dans tout le pays.…

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Gender Mainstreaming Resource Pack: A Practical Guide for Programming

Promoting Gender Equality is one of Trocaire’s organizational and program priorities. A gender audit highlighted that gender mainstreaming was an area where staff and management required additional training, l'orientation, and practical tools. The audit found that concepts and terminology around mainstreaming were often perceived as academic and confusing. En outre, staff felt that while they understood what mainstreaming meant in theory, they were less clear about how to mainstream gender in practice.

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