Malaria Programming Seminar

Photo by Warren Zelman

abril 2014 Es un mes muy importante para el control de la malaria.. The theme of this year’s World Health Day on April 7th is Vector Borne Diseases and World Malaria Day, Invierta en el futuro: Derrotar a la malaria, es en abril 25th. To commemorate these dates, MSH will host a 3-day LeaderNet seminar focused on State of the Art Malaria Programming. The aim is to discuss common malaria elimination challenges, and effective technical strategies for reaching the goal of a malaria free generation.

By using up-to-date research and thought provoking materials to stimulate discussion, participants in this seminar will:

  • identify and discuss the major challenges they encounter in malaria elimination
  • identify ways they can support activities that will lead to malaria elimination
  • learn how key pharmaceutical management interventions will help achieve this outcome
  • learn about prevention and parasitological approaches that support malaria elimination.

The seminar will start on April 22 and conclude on April 24. This exciting seminar is open to the public and we look forward to your participation!

To participate in the seminar Register for LeaderNet account and join the seminar.

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