Affichage des résultats pour: Evaluer le leadership

Leadership, Management & Gouvernance (LMG) pour le cours de certificat des gestionnaires de sages-femmes
Image du cours de certificat des gestionnaires de sages-femmes

Renforcer les capacités des sages-femmes à surmonter les défis du système de santé et à fournir des services améliorés, le Leadership financé par l'USAID, Management & Governance project developed the LMG for Midwifery Managers certificate course. This course consists of a five-day offsite workshop focused on six areas prioritized by a skills gap assessment: assertive communication, plaidoyer, mentoring, data use for decision-making, change management, and strategic problem solving.

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Training of Facilitators (TOF) for the Leadership Development Program
Training of Facilitators LDP TOF Image

The Training of Facilitators (TOF) Guide was created to address the need to develop strong facilitators of the Leadership Development Program (LDP). The TOF Guide provides a step-by-step guide to delivering a workshop that will help build a critical mass of LDP facilitators with the necessary skills to lead the six-month-long LDP program with minimum oversight. This guide is focused on training facilitators, while the tool “Leadership Development Program Plus (ou Programme de renforcement des competénces en Leadership, Gestion (ou Management) et Gouvernance: A Facilitator’s Guideis focused on helping facilitators to deliver the LDP+ to participants.

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Planning for Leadership Transition (Le directeur)
Planning for Leadership Transition The Manager Image

This issue of The Manager considers strategy and process for managing a leadership transition. It describes how current leaders, staff members, and boards of directors can engage their organization in navigating the uncertainties of a search for a new leader. It explores ways to prepare for future transitions by developing leadership talents within the organization.

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Ouvrir la voie à la professionnalisation du leadership et de la gestion des soins de santé (eManager)
Ouvrir la voie vers une gestion professionnelle du leadership Image

Ce numéro de The eManager appelle à la création d'une culture de gestion et de leadership à tous les niveaux, fournit des exemples de progrès à cette fin dans plusieurs pays à court terme, et propose une approche à plus long terme pour professionnaliser le leadership, le management, et gouvernance dans le secteur de la santé. La professionnalisation comprend la reconnaissance de la valeur des gestionnaires de la santé, établir des parcours de carrière clairs, et fournir la préparation dont ces personnels nous disent avoir besoin.

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Gestion de l'amélioration des performances des services de santé décentralisés (Le directeur)
Gestion de l'amélioration des performances Service de santé décentralisé L'image du gestionnaire

Ce numéro de The Manager aidera les managers à tous les niveaux à comprendre les principes de l'évaluation et de l'amélioration des performances au niveau local.. Il présente également le concept de fonctions essentielles de santé publique comme cadre politique utile pour décentraliser la gestion des services., tout en maintenant et en améliorant la couverture et la qualité des services.

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Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources Image

This publication shows that effective human resource management (HRM) is important in any public- or private-sector organization and essential when public health crises collide with workforce shortages. We present here the three pillars that together form the HRM capacity of an organization—policies, les systèmes, and management and leadership practices—and describe how they can help you to attain your organization’s HRM goals.

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Leading and Managing Critical Competencies for Health System Strengthening
Leading Managing Critical Competencies Image

People-centered health systems cannot be strengthened without good management and leadership. This publication shows how you, as a manager of a health program or health services, can apply proven practices for managing and leading to address the challenges you face. Leadership and management skills are needed at all levels of the health system. This chapter throws light on the topic by focusing on behaviors that managers and providers can use in any setting, whether in a community health post or the national Ministry of Health.

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Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool
HRM Rapid Assessment Tool Image

The Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool offers a method for assessing an organization’s Human Resource Management system and how well it functions. The HRM Rapid Assessment Tool helps users to develop strategies to improve the human resource management system and make it as effective as possible. It is designed to be used in public and private-sector health organizations.

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Health Systems in Action: An eHandbook for Leaders and Managers

The eHandbook emphasizes the central, critical element of every health system: personnes. It shows how to build leadership and management skills for yourself and your organization. It also covers management of the specific systems essential to an overall health system – governance, des ressources humaines, les finances, supply chain management, health information and association monitoring and evaluation, and health service delivery. This tool can also be accessed as individual topical chapters.

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Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership and Management Practices
Guide for Training Community Leaders Improve Leadership Mgmt Image

The Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership and Management Practices is designed for individuals, teams of managers, or institutions from the public health sector and other sectors of civil society that work at the community level. This guide can be used as supporting material in the implementation of community-based programs and projects to strengthen the local management of municipalities and the improvement of health, l'éducation, and other social welfare services.

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