Affichage des résultats pour: Anglais

Ouvrir la voie à la professionnalisation du leadership et de la gestion des soins de santé (eManager)
Ouvrir la voie vers une gestion professionnelle du leadership Image

Ce numéro de The eManager appelle à la création d'une culture de gestion et de leadership à tous les niveaux, fournit des exemples de progrès à cette fin dans plusieurs pays à court terme, et propose une approche à plus long terme pour professionnaliser le leadership, le management, et gouvernance dans le secteur de la santé. La professionnalisation comprend la reconnaissance de la valeur des gestionnaires de la santé, établir des parcours de carrière clairs, et fournir la préparation dont ces personnels nous disent avoir besoin.

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Le coaching efficace (Virtual Course)
Effective Coaching Image

This self-paced course is one hour in length and will provide you with a practical process to improve your coaching skills. The course introduces OALFA – which stands for Observe, Poser une bonne question, c'est à dire une question qui pousse l'autre à réflechir, Ecouter, donner une Retro-information, and Agree – a technique for coaching individuals to improve effectiveness.

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Transformer les managers en leaders: Un manuel pour améliorer les services de santé
Managers qui dirigent l'image

Managers Who Lead permet aux responsables de la santé à tous les niveaux d'une organisation de diriger des équipes pour relever des défis et obtenir des résultats. Il répond à des questions telles…

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Mainstreaming Gender Equality into Health Systems
Mainstreaming Gender Equality Image

In this publication we will review concepts, des approches, and tools that will help you bring about a change of perspective in designing and implementing policies and programs in health, specifically in relation to gender. The chapter explores the myths and realities regarding gender, the concept of gender mainstreaming and how to move towards this goal, discusses how to conduct a gender analysis and provides links to relevant tools, discusses gender integration into programming and the gender integration continuum, and offers insights into how to integrate gender considerations into the health system using the lens of the WHO health systems building blocks. (This publication is Chapter 4 of Health Systems in Action: An eHandbook for Leaders and Managers.)

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Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool
HRM Rapid Assessment Tool Image

The Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool offers a method for assessing an organization’s Human Resource Management system and how well it functions. The HRM Rapid Assessment Tool helps users to develop strategies to improve the human resource management system and make it as effective as possible. It is designed to be used in public and private-sector health organizations.

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Comment gouverner efficacement le secteur de la santé et ses institutions (eManager)
Comment gouverner efficacement les institutions du secteur de la santé eManager Image

Ce numéro de The eManager porte sur la gouvernance dans le secteur de la santé, et présente quatre pratiques de gouvernance efficaces et leurs neuf catalyseurs clés. Il montre comment les leaders et les gestionnaires de la santé peuvent contribuer à une institution mieux gouvernée et, en fin de compte, améliorer les services de santé et la santé des personnes qu'ils desservent.

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Health Systems in Action: An eHandbook for Leaders and Managers

The eHandbook emphasizes the central, critical element of every health system: personnes. It shows how to build leadership and management skills for yourself and your organization. It also covers management of the specific systems essential to an overall health system – governance, des ressources humaines, les finances, supply chain management, health information and association monitoring and evaluation, and health service delivery. This tool can also be accessed as individual topical chapters.

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Guide to Fostering Change to Scale Up Effective Health Services
Guide to Fostering Change Image

The Guide to fostering change to scale up effective health services is a resource that describes the research and principles fundamental to effective change. This guide links effective change practices with proven clinical and programmatic practices to achieve results by providinghow-tosteps for leadership of change and scale up, describing key challenges and strategies, outils, or approaches to meet those challenges, and offering cases that show how the steps have been implemented in real situations.

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Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership and Management Practices
Guide for Training Community Leaders Improve Leadership Mgmt Image

The Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership and Management Practices is designed for individuals, teams of managers, or institutions from the public health sector and other sectors of civil society that work at the community level. This guide can be used as supporting material in the implementation of community-based programs and projects to strengthen the local management of municipalities and the improvement of health, l'éducation, and other social welfare services.

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Governance Enhancement Course for Provincial Health Office Governance Leaders and Staff
Governance Enhancement Course Provincial Health Office Leaders Image

This training handbook is designed to facilitate the governance orientation and continuing governance education of the officials and leaders who govern provincial health systems. When used by the facilitators in conjunction with the LMG Project’s guides and learning resources on good governance, the participants will enjoy their journey to master and apply the five practices of good governance in their organization and improve its performance.

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