Mostrando los resultados para: Enfermedades & epidemias

cobertura universal de salud 2030 Documento guía para evaluar un ámbito sanitario bajo estrés

En años recientes, Gran parte del debate y la retórica en el ámbito de la salud mundial se han centrado en la importancia del fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud. (HSS), especialmente en…

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Communities of Practice for Global Health

Communities of practice are defined as groups of people who interact regularly to share information, insight, experience and tools about an area of common interest

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Sistemas para mejorar el acceso a productos y servicios farmacéuticos (Cada hora) Inventario del programa de recursos técnicos clave

El objetivo principal de este inventario es servir como referencia para ayudar a las partes interesadas que trabajan en el sector farmacéutico a acceder y utilizar fácilmente los ya existentes.…

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Strengthening Governance in Pharmaceutical Systems: A Compendium of Country Case Studies

The USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (Cada hora) Program and its predecessor programs have assisted numerous countries in strengthening governance to promote

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Cultivating Accountability for Health Systems Strengthening

When accountability is strengthened, the opportunity for corruption diminishes, and beneficial outcomes of the health system, such as responsiveness, equity, and efficiency surge. This Cultivating

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ABCs for Managers who Lead
ABCs for Managers Who Lead Image

ABCs for Managers Who Lead is a simple and user-friendly lexicon for busy managers who lead. It draws from the combined experience and knowledge of

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