Affichage des résultats pour: Les conseils d'administration & Organes directeurs

Essential Management Package for Strengthening Physical Rehabilitation Centers
EMP Image

The Essential Management Package (EMP) is a toolkit of proven leadership development approaches that has been tailored for use by physical rehabilitation centers or other organizations providing services to persons with disabilities. It consists of the following components: (1) The Essential Management Systems Assessment Tool (EMSAT) and User Guide: a participatory assessment tool organizations can use to evaluate the state of development of their core management systems; (2) The Essential Management Systems Manual: a standardized model for procedures to strengthen management processes and systems; et (3) EMP Leadership Development Modules: A 10 module series of 4-hour leadership development and problem solving sessions that has been adapted from MSH’s proven Leadership Development Program Plus.

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Continuous Governance Enhancement for Health Systems Strengthening
Continuous Governance Enhancement Health System Strengthening Image

Good governance involves constantly striving for better results and improved effectiveness. It requires an interest in and commitment towards continuous improvement. In this guide, you will learn what actions you could take in your organization to improve its governance on continuing and long-lasting basis.

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Leadership Development Program Plus (ou Programme de renforcement des competénces en Leadership, Gestion (ou Management) et Gouvernance (LDP+): Un guide pour les animateurs

Le programme de développement du leadership Plus (LDP+) est la version améliorée du programme de développement du leadership (LDP), délivré pour la première fois par Management Sciences for Health (MSH) en 2002. C'est un travail d'équipe, axée sur les résultats, processus participatif de développement du leadership qui permet aux équipes de relever des défis et d'obtenir des résultats grâce à un processus d'apprentissage basé sur l'action. Des personnes du même lieu de travail forment des équipes pour apprendre et appliquer le leadership, le management, et les pratiques de gouvernance pour améliorer un ensemble commun d'indicateurs de santé.
Le Guide de l'animateur du LDP+ est destiné aux animateurs à utiliser et à apprendre lors de la mise en œuvre du LDP+. Il présente les fondements du programme et explique comment mener toutes les activités nécessaires. Il est conçu pour être facile à utiliser et adaptable aux besoins spécifiques d'une organisation ou d'une équipe d'amélioration LDP+. Le guide comprend des informations générales sur le LDP+; Instructions détaillées sur la manière de mener toutes les réunions et ateliers LDP+; et documents pour les participants.

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Stewarding Resources for Health Systems Strengthening
Stewarding Resources Health Systems Strengthening Image

Stewardship is the ethical use of common resources in pursuit of financially efficient outcomes. This guide explores the nature of the practice of stewarding scarce resources (human, financier, politiques, and technological), and principles and activities that will strengthen your organization’s capacity for such stewardship.

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Setting a Shared Strategic Direction for Health Systems Strengthening
Setting Shared Strategic Direction Health Systems Strengthening Image

The leaders who govern determine the organization’s strategic direction and policies. They set out the organization’s strategic direction to deliver its mission, des buts, and objectives. In this guide, you will learn how to set shared strategic direction for your organization working with your stakeholders and more importantly how to realize it again working with the stakeholders.

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Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool
HRM Rapid Assessment Tool Image

The Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool offers a method for assessing an organization’s Human Resource Management system and how well it functions. The HRM Rapid Assessment Tool helps users to develop strategies to improve the human resource management system and make it as effective as possible. It is designed to be used in public and private-sector health organizations.

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Comment gouverner efficacement le secteur de la santé et ses institutions (eManager)
Comment gouverner efficacement les institutions du secteur de la santé eManager Image

Ce numéro de The eManager porte sur la gouvernance dans le secteur de la santé, et présente quatre pratiques de gouvernance efficaces et leurs neuf catalyseurs clés. Il montre comment les leaders et les gestionnaires de la santé peuvent contribuer à une institution mieux gouvernée et, en fin de compte, améliorer les services de santé et la santé des personnes qu'ils desservent.

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Health Systems in Action: An eHandbook for Leaders and Managers

The eHandbook emphasizes the central, critical element of every health system: personnes. It shows how to build leadership and management skills for yourself and your organization. It also covers management of the specific systems essential to an overall health system – governance, des ressources humaines, les finances, supply chain management, health information and association monitoring and evaluation, and health service delivery. This tool can also be accessed as individual topical chapters.

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Governance Enhancement Course for Provincial Health Office Governance Leaders and Staff
Governance Enhancement Course Provincial Health Office Leaders Image

This training handbook is designed to facilitate the governance orientation and continuing governance education of the officials and leaders who govern provincial health systems. When used by the facilitators in conjunction with the LMG Project’s guides and learning resources on good governance, the participants will enjoy their journey to master and apply the five practices of good governance in their organization and improve its performance.

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Governance Enhancement Course for Hospital Governance Leaders and Staff
Governance Enhancement Course Hospital Governance Leaders Image

This training handbook is designed to facilitate the governance orientation and continuing governance education of the leaders and officials who govern hospitals. When used by the facilitators in conjunction with the LMG Project’s guides and learning resources on good governance, the participants will enjoy their journey to master and apply the five practices of good governance in their organization and improve its performance.

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