CEEME Seminar

Creating enabling environments for monitoring and evaluation

SAVE THE DATES May 12–15, 2014 to join the Creating Enabling Environments for Monitoring and Evaluation (CEEME) community of practice for a no cost 4-day virtual seminar on the subject of mainstreaming M&E. This seminar is funded by USAID through the MEASURE Evaluation Project Phase III and is targeted to anyone interested in how M&E can be integrated throughout your organization.

“Mainstreaming” M&E means expanding ownership of M&E policies, processes, and procedures associated with health data throughout an organization for the purpose of improving health outcomes. We will explore the roles and responsibilities of all staff members, regardless of their official title or function, relative to data collection, reporting, analysis, and use in order to improve health results.

This will be a highly interactive and participatory seminar at the end of which participants will be able to:

  • Identify and define the M&E roles of staff with diverse functions at all levels throughout the project life cycle and, more specifically, during the implementation of programs and projects in the provision of health care services.
  • Determine what organizational support the staff needs in order to carry out their M&E roles and what specific benefits they can realize from doing so.
  • Apply leadership and management practices to ensure that the responsibilities related to these roles are met on a consistent basis.
  • Articulate a plan for promoting the mainstreaming of M&E throughout their specific organization.

Content and resources will be provided each day of the program along with discussion questions. Participants will respond to the questions on the website and the facilitators will provide comments on and summarize the responses in a daily “newsletter.”

The content for the program will be structured as follows:

Day 1: Define and explore M&E mainstreaming – both the ideal and the reality – as they relate to the project life cycle and M&E roles and responsibilities

Day 2: Discuss what health care providers at the point of service need in order to provide quality data given their other priorities and the environment in which they work. What benefit is there to them in doing so?

Day 3: Explore what senior leaders and other policy and decision-makers need in order to make good use of the data. What are the benefits to them in doing so?

Day 4: Getting into action. What do you and your team need to do to mainstream M&E in your organization and move it closer to the ideal?

Seminar registration information will be forthcoming in the next 10 days. If you have not yet created your Leadernet member profile Register now. Leadernet members are invited to join the seminar now and meet other participants.

We’re looking forward to having you join us!

Scott McKeown and Susan Post
MEASURE Evaluation – III

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